by Maria Moutzouris – Koutsoyiannis
Ingredients: 1 Fagri about 1 kg or a Fagrokefalo (the head of a large Fagri), 2 large sliced onions, 4 medium sliced tomatoes, a bell pepper, four large cloves of garlic, medium barley and rosemary.
Instructions: Place half of the onions, the pepper, tomato slices on our pan and place the fish on top after we have seasoned it with salt and pepper. Cover it with the remaining onion, tomato and pepper slices and garlic cloves. Grind two of the tomatoes into a paste, pour them into the pan along with three glasses of water. Finally, add the olive oil and rosemary and bake in a moderate oven. As soon as the fish is cooked on one side, carefully turn it to cook on the other side and at the same time add the barley. Leave for about 15 minutes and it’s ready.